Students who received an "Incomplete" as their fourth quarter grade in reading or math, are recommended to participate in the remote SY20 Summer Learning Program. By participating in Summer Learning, students will be better prepared for success in the next school year. Students who successfully complete Summer Learning will have their fourth-quarter term grade updated to Pass in Reading and/or Math. 

During Summer Learning, students will interact daily with teachers and classmates in virtual whole group and small group activities. Reading and math lessons will be differentiated to meet the needs of all students, and progress will be tracked utilizing Google Classroom. Daily social-emotional learning activities will be included to connect students to classmates, assist with managing stress and anxiety, and address concerns over the recent pandemic and social unrest. 

The Summer Learning Program will be held virtually and is scheduled Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., starting on July 20 and ending August 14.

To register, complete the form at or call your home school for assistance with completing the application online. Applications are due no later than July 3, 2020.

Registered students will receive a confirmation email between July 13 and July 17, as well as an invitation to join the Google Classroom Homeroom. The confirmation email will be sent to the parent who completes the form, as well as your child’s CPS email address.  

Registration Reminders:

  • Registration must be completed no later than Friday, July 3, 2020. Please contact your home school if you do not know your child’s CPS email address or if you should need any further assistance.

  • Eligibility for the Summer Learning Program is based on your child having received a final grade of “incomplete” in reading and/or math.  

  • Only eligible students will be enrolled in the program. 

  • Contact Ms. Vasilev at immediately if your child needs a digital device and/or internet access to participate in the program.
