In grade 3 math, your child will:
Use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve story problems
Solve multiplication and division facts accurately and efficiently
Multiply 1-digit numbers by multiples of 10, e.g., 3 x 70
Add and subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers
Compare, recognize, and generate equivalent fractions and place them on a number line
Estimate and measure in time, liquid volume, and masses of objects
Round numbers to nearest 10 or 100
Tell time to the minute
Estimate and measure liquid volume and mass in metric units
Solve area and perimeter problems
Identify and construct different kinds of quadrilaterals
Sort and classify shapes
Bridges Grade 3 Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Addition & Subtraction Patterns /
Unidad 1: Patrones de suma y resta
Unit 2: Introduction to Multiplication /
Unidad 2: Introducción a la multiplicación
Unit 3: Multi-Digit Addition & Subtraction /
Unidad 3: Suma y resta de varios dígitos
Unit 4: Measurement & Fractions /
Unidad 4: Medición y fracciones
Unit 5: Multiplication, Division & Area /
Unidad 5: Multiplicación, división y área
Unit 6: Geometry /
Unidad 6: Geometría
Unit 7: Extending Multiplication & Fractions /
Unidad 7: Ampliación de multiplicación y fracciones
Unit 8: Bridge Design & Construction: Data Collection /
Unidad 8: Diseño y construcción de puentes
Grade 3 Math at Home Activities
These collections of activities, organized by mathematical content, use familiar routines that can be used by students and families to review and extend mathematical classroom concepts.
Math Learning Center Apps
These free apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. Apps are available as web app for all modern browsers, and downloadable versions for Apple iOS for Google Chrome.