In grade 2 math, your child will:
Solve two-step addition and subtraction story problems to 100
Add and subtract to 20; know addition facts to 20 by memory
Read and write 3-digit numbers using numerals, words, and expanded notation (726 = 700 + 20 + 6)
Understand that the three digits of a 3-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones
Use symbols >, =, < to compare two 3-digit numbers
Add and subtract 2-digit numbers accurately and efficiently, and explain strategies for doing so
Add and subtract 3-digit numbers using models, sketches, and/or numbers, and explain strategies for doing so
Estimate and measure length in centimeters and meters, inches and feet.
Divide circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts and describe the parts
Recognize, draw, and analyze 2- and 3-D shapes
Solve money problems involving dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
Bridges Grade 2 Unit Overviews
Unit 5: Place Value to One Thousand / Unidad 5: Valor de posición hasta mil
Unit 6: Geometry / Unidad 6: Geometría
Unit 7: Measurement, Fractions & Multi-Digit Computation / Unidad 7: Medidas, fracciones y cálculo con varios dígitos con las hormigas hambrientas
Unit 8: Measurement, Data & Multi-Digit Computation / Unidad 8: Medidas, datos y cálculo con varios dígitos con los recorridos de las canicas
Grade 2 Math at Home Activities
These collections of activities, organized by mathematical content, use familiar routines that can be used by students and families to review and extend mathematical classroom concepts.
Math Learning Center Apps
These free apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. Apps are available as web app for all modern browsers, and downloadable versions for Apple iOS for Google Chrome.