In grade 1 math, your child will:
Solve addition and subtraction story problems
Count by ones and tens to 120 read and write numbers to 120, and represent a number of objects up to 120 with a written numeral
Understand place value by describing what the digits mean in two-digit numbers; use this knowledge to add and subtract
Add two-digit numbers using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
Subtract two-digit numbers that are multiples of 10 using at least two different strategies and explain how the strategies work
Compare two numbers using the symbols >, =, and <
Add and subtract numbers within 10 efficiently and accurately
Read or construct a graph and answer questions about the data
Measure length using non-standard units such as Popsicle sticks, linking cubes, and so on
Tell and write time to the hour and half-hour on analog and digital clock
Bridges Grade 1 Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Numbers All Around Us /
Unidad 1: Números a nuestro alrededor
Unit 2: Developing Strategies with Dice & Dominoes /
Unidad 2: Desarrollo de estrategias con dados y dominó
Unit 3: Unit 3: Adding, Subtracting, Counting & Comparing /
Unidad 3: Suma, resta, conteo y comparación
Unit 4: Leapfrogs on the Number Line /
Unidad 4: Ranas saltarinas en la recta numérica
Grade 1 Math at Home Activities
These collections of activities, organized by mathematical content, use familiar routines that can be used by students and families to review and extend mathematical classroom concepts.
Math Learning Center Apps
These free apps are based on the visual models featured in Bridges in Mathematics. Apps are available as web app for all modern browsers, and downloadable versions for Apple iOS for Google Chrome.